• info@allied-money.in
  • 7677503854


Allied Money Courier Point

Allied Money has launched Courier Point in December 2022. Where customers will be provided with baking services as well as courier services, which will make it easier for customers to send parcels to any place. This courier service is available to send or deliver parcels anywhere in India. Currently we are working on 29000+ pin codes.

Allied Money Cash Point

Cash Points, basically, are another term for an Automated Teller Machine, more popularly known as ATMs. For a metropolitan city, ATMs are an everyday sight. But what about the rural man who has to walk endless kilometers just to withdraw some cash? Allied Money recognized this need and acted upon it.

How does Allied Money world influence rural digital banking?

Digital Banking services have made everyone’s life easy because Individuals can now perform transactions, check account balances, and even make transfers with a simple click of a button.

Welcome to Digital India

Allied Money Aadhaar enabled payment system machines function as a micro-ATM and are delivered to our retailers, acting as a bridge between the digital and physical worlds. Allied money retailers can earn while ensuring that even the most remote people have access to the basic financial transactions listed below.