• info@allied-money.in
  • 7677503854

Why Choose Us

Next Generation Digital Payment Solutions

Zero Investment

Start your Digital Financial Journey with Zero Investment


Easy onboarding on our


Best Margins promised on all Service Transactions

One App Multi Services

One stop shop for all
Digital & Financial services

Quality Services

We provide outstanding products & unsurpassed service that.

Team work

We work together across borders to meet customer needs and help our company win.

Welcome To Allied Money

Be Partner with us for Multiple income Sources

Allied Money stands as an epitome for dedication, expertise and the drive to provide our customers the service for which they chose us over the rest. A great earning potential with the opportunity to grow your business with minimal one time investment and zero working capital.

A company that has been enabling many in fulfilling their dreams, providing the business opportunities to customer’s needs

Our Services

Our team always provides quality services to our valuable clients


What our clients tell about us


Upgrade your shop. Be the one stop banking and digital service provider in your area

Want to hire us for your business?

If you want to take our service to build your business, our expert team members are always here to help you to make you successful.

Make An Appointment
